Last updated: 2019-08-13

Setting Up Galera Cluster

A Galera Cluster is a multi-master database solution using either MySQL or MariaDB databases.

This document will focus on using MariaDB (in most cases, MariaDB is a straight drop-in replacement for MySQL) due to the fact that it supports Galera out-of-the-box without extra extensions or patches (only true for versions 10.1 and above).

Note: Cluster sizes should be odd numbers to avoid split-brain situations. For even-numbered cluster sizes, you’ll need an arbitrator (non-database member of cluster) to participate in the voting.

Pre-Req: Installing MariaDB

MariaDB should be available in package managers, see link below to add repo to fetch specific versions.
[[ | Installing MariaDB from Linux repo]]

NOTE: When you get prompted to set a new password, don’t enter anything new, just press enter to continue, which should keep the old MySQL root password

If MySQL already exists on the system, MariaDB will remove it and replace it with itself. All shell commands to “mysql” will effectively be commands to MariaDB, so no need to change any existing scripts. All software client libraries for MySQL should also still work with MariaDB.

Enabling Galera

Galera 3 is included in all installations of MariaDB since version 10.1. Enabling it simply involves some extra configuration options.

  1. cd to the /etc/mysql/conf.d directory
  2. Create a new file called galera.cnf
  3. Open the file and use the following template to fill it, adjusting the parameters as needed: *
     # Galera Provider Configuration
     # Galera Cluster Configuration
     wsrep_cluster_name="galera cluster name"
     # Galera Synchronization Configuration
     # Galera Node Configuration
     # If behind a NAT, uncomment the line below and specify the private address
    • NOTE 1: The following parameters above are only needed if you’re changing default port numbers or dealing with NATs where you have to advertise a different public IP to other nodes
      • wsrep_sst_receive_address has default port 4444
      • wsrep_node_address has default port 4567
      • wsrep_node_incoming_address has default port 3306
    • NOTE 2: The wsrep_cluster_name parameter must be the same in all nodes, otherwise a joining node with a different name will fail to start
  4. Start the node. This will differ depending on if this is the first node of the cluster (i.e. the bootstrap node) or a node joining an existing cluster
    • If this is the bootstrap node, run: service mysql start %%--%%wsrep-new-cluster
    • If this is a joining node, start the node as usual: service mysql start
    • NOTE 1: To help debug errors, monitor the mysql logs (may be defaulted to syslog) in both the joiner and donor nodes
    • NOTE 2: If the node successfully started, you can check the cluster status: mysql -uroot -p -e "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep%';"


You may encounter the following message when using Linux service to start/stop/restart or check the status of the database:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

This message indicates that the maintenance user’s password stored in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf is out of sync with the password in the database itself. If you just added your database as a new node of a replicated cluster, then this is expected behaviour, as the password from the original bootstrap node has now been replicated and replaced your original maintenance password. To fix this, find the bootstrap node (or any node where you don’t see the error message when querying the database status), and copy the password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf from that node to the current node.

If your database is not part of a cluster, then you need to update the password in the database by doing the following:

Getting Started with MariaDB Galera Cluster

Resetting quorum within the cluster

Galera parameter

Galera firewall settings (ports to open)

Galera WSREP parameters

Different scenarios of how to start/re-start a cluster

Resetting quorum of a corrupted cluster